In-Spirit Message
The fundamental purpose of inter-consciousness/spirit energy communication is
development of a deeper understanding of truth and evolution.
You don’t fit truth into your perception—truth expands your perception.
If a message resonates with you despite unrecognizable details, the message is for you.
Received By khf For Week of August 13, 2018
This spirit energy connected with the story of suffering a stroke that ultimately affected her left eye. During this medical event she was terrified. That is when she had a spiritual experience that she could not articulate.
Her childhood dog, a German Shepard, appeared to her during this emergency, lovingly watching over her and offering emotional support and comfort for the duration.
Inspired by her German Shepard, she chose to be an Animal Interactor when she passed into spirit. Many spirit animals, she said, work with humans on the earth plane, offering comfort and guidance when it is needed. Many individuals on the physical plane connect strongly with animals and so it is that spirit animals respond with support.
The role of Animal Interactors on the spirit plane is to help the spirit animals recharge, assisting them in coming back into balance after their interactions with the earth plane.
She is so grateful for her friend who appeared when she was in such need and grateful for the opportunity to support the animals who offer comfort to those in need.
* * *
Immediately this spirit energy admitted that on the earth plane she was superficial and cruel, critical with her remarks, and prone to expressing intense hostility. Mostly, she said, she was angry and frustrated. Not until she passed did she begin to realize that there existed a “higher way” of living.
She appeared to need to explain that she is just beginning to learn the concept of empathy—a concept that she never connected with while in physical form. Though she is still confused by empathy, having never understood what it was or how it worked, she appears focused and willing to learn.
* * *
She connected with the energetic color of deep cherry red that suggested a strong core foundation and great inner strength. Then showed her profound love and compassion through the exquisite color of green glazed with turquoise.
During most of her physical life she indicated that she was confined to a wheelchair due to a progressive neurological disorder. Though her body was compromised, she was extremely strong mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She referred to herself as No Nonsense. Spirit No Nonsense says that she is no different on the spirit plane, as I quickly realized.
“Trust that the blinded will see!” She emphasized this as an unavoidable truth. “We suffer no fools here!”
Evidently she works with the willfully blinded and finds great joy when they finally are able to achieve illumination. It appears that she is more than a guide, more like a mentor on a team of mentors dedicated to illumination (of difficult cases). She loves the challenge! Challenge! Challenge! She repeated this several times. That’s her job, she said, to challenge complacency, blindness, and all that goes with it.
Spirit No Nonsense is in love with what she does. She loves the ultimate light of illumination.
* * *
This message appeared many months ago, long before this forum of spirit outreach was perceived.
This male spirit energy connected in a glow of intense, gorgeous blue saying he was “immersed in the waters,” referring to being in utero. He referred to himself as Peanut. However, his driving energy was BIG. To be BIG physically was what he needed to accomplish his soul’s purpose on the earth plane.
Peanut, the Soul Baby knew that with the body that was developing in utero his soul’s mission/task would be impossible to accomplish—it would never be strong enough to perform the physical tasks. His soul required a strapping, muscular body to achieve its mission. That is why he had to let go of his developing body and leave (referring to a miscarriage).
ArtLight Initiative: Sharing light one piece of original artwork at a time
The fundamental purpose of inter-consciousness/spirit energy communication is
development of a deeper understanding of truth and evolution.
You don’t fit truth into your perception—truth expands your perception.
If a message resonates with you despite unrecognizable details, the message is for you.
Received By khf For Week of August 13, 2018
This spirit energy connected with the story of suffering a stroke that ultimately affected her left eye. During this medical event she was terrified. That is when she had a spiritual experience that she could not articulate.
Her childhood dog, a German Shepard, appeared to her during this emergency, lovingly watching over her and offering emotional support and comfort for the duration.
Inspired by her German Shepard, she chose to be an Animal Interactor when she passed into spirit. Many spirit animals, she said, work with humans on the earth plane, offering comfort and guidance when it is needed. Many individuals on the physical plane connect strongly with animals and so it is that spirit animals respond with support.
The role of Animal Interactors on the spirit plane is to help the spirit animals recharge, assisting them in coming back into balance after their interactions with the earth plane.
She is so grateful for her friend who appeared when she was in such need and grateful for the opportunity to support the animals who offer comfort to those in need.
* * *
Immediately this spirit energy admitted that on the earth plane she was superficial and cruel, critical with her remarks, and prone to expressing intense hostility. Mostly, she said, she was angry and frustrated. Not until she passed did she begin to realize that there existed a “higher way” of living.
She appeared to need to explain that she is just beginning to learn the concept of empathy—a concept that she never connected with while in physical form. Though she is still confused by empathy, having never understood what it was or how it worked, she appears focused and willing to learn.
* * *
She connected with the energetic color of deep cherry red that suggested a strong core foundation and great inner strength. Then showed her profound love and compassion through the exquisite color of green glazed with turquoise.
During most of her physical life she indicated that she was confined to a wheelchair due to a progressive neurological disorder. Though her body was compromised, she was extremely strong mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She referred to herself as No Nonsense. Spirit No Nonsense says that she is no different on the spirit plane, as I quickly realized.
“Trust that the blinded will see!” She emphasized this as an unavoidable truth. “We suffer no fools here!”
Evidently she works with the willfully blinded and finds great joy when they finally are able to achieve illumination. It appears that she is more than a guide, more like a mentor on a team of mentors dedicated to illumination (of difficult cases). She loves the challenge! Challenge! Challenge! She repeated this several times. That’s her job, she said, to challenge complacency, blindness, and all that goes with it.
Spirit No Nonsense is in love with what she does. She loves the ultimate light of illumination.
* * *
This message appeared many months ago, long before this forum of spirit outreach was perceived.
This male spirit energy connected in a glow of intense, gorgeous blue saying he was “immersed in the waters,” referring to being in utero. He referred to himself as Peanut. However, his driving energy was BIG. To be BIG physically was what he needed to accomplish his soul’s purpose on the earth plane.
Peanut, the Soul Baby knew that with the body that was developing in utero his soul’s mission/task would be impossible to accomplish—it would never be strong enough to perform the physical tasks. His soul required a strapping, muscular body to achieve its mission. That is why he had to let go of his developing body and leave (referring to a miscarriage).
ArtLight Initiative: Sharing light one piece of original artwork at a time