The fundamental purpose of inter-consciousness/spirit energy communication is
development of a deeper understanding of truth and evolution.
You don’t fit truth into your perception—truth expands your perception.
If a message resonates with you despite unrecognizable details, the message is for you.
Received by khf week of 3/26/18
Baby Bubble Energy Portrait
By way of clarification, I am an energy medium/artist. That is to say that I intensely connect with subtle (and not so subtle) energy to reveal and deliver messages/communications. One aspect of my mediumship is art. The descriptions intuitive and abstract basically fit this form of art. When I do personal energy portraits–energy readings via art–I document the (soul/I-Am/forever self) energy field surrounding the subject, whether it’s a person, place, or pet. The subject can be on this plane or the spirit plane. Energy is energy, it flows in all ways.
Recently with nothing specific in mind, I began work on an ordinary 1ft. by 1ft. canvas. Halfway through I became strongly aware that this piece is an in-spirit communication with a significant message for someone, though I do not know who.
If the following information deeply resonates with you, please contact us (email –[email protected]) and we will ship Baby Bubble’s in-spirit ArtLight Gift message to you. This is an ArtLight Gift from An Unobstructed Path. Our intention is to spread white light via the beauty of art. Our only request is that the recipient(s) of this in-spirit ArtLight Gift pass the light forward in whatever way is meaningful to them.
Baby Bubble–This female baby in-spirit is/was referred to as Baby Bubble. Baby Bubble either did not fully make it to the earth plane and passed via a miscarriage, or made it to the earth plane and passed as an infant. She would have passed around the months of March/April, or her due date was March/April. The name “Baby Bubble” is a significant connection.
She came through this art piece to celebrate her birthday. She brings forth such childlike joy and light. Those who mourn her passing are missing the joy of her life and her light that continues to grow brighter.
There are direct, personal messages from Baby Bubble embedded in this ArtLight Gift piece. If the person(s) who resonates and receives this piece is receptive, the messages will continue to unfold over time.
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Received by khf on Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Confusion–A male in his 60s connected and proceeded to show me what he knew about his and his wife’s death. His wife was in her 40s. She was not a trophy wife, he said. He showed me a harbor which had the energy of San Francisco. There were what looked like schooners anchored in the harbor. This man and his wife were aboard a schooner. They went to bed and were awakened at 3:00 am by something. He went out to investigate, but it was dark and he couldn’t see anything. He showed me his wife coming out of a door wearing a bathrobe with a thick collar. There was a shot and a drowning. Both the man and his wife passed. He didn’t understand what happened.
Here is the information I was able to give him: Connecting to the energy of the event, I saw two dark figures aboard the vessel. They were thieves contracted to steal technology/technical information from this man. A businessman hired the thieves. The businessman was large and heavyset, around 5’10 – 5’11, in his 50s, and wears dark gray suits always with a tie. He has nefarious, powerful and determined energy around him. There is a Canada connection. The deaths were unplanned.
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Received by khf on Tuesday, March 27, 2018
A middle-aged woman with dark brown kind of curly hair connected showing me a vast and calm ocean indicating how much she loved to walk by the ocean and how much it relaxed her when she was in her physical life. She wore white.
She said that those who know her will know her spirit by her love for violets/Johnny-Jump-Ups. She connects surrounded by a lot of floral/flower energy around her, especially white. White flowers. White light energy. White clothing.
Despite a difficult life, she said that she did a lot of inner work before she left the earth plane, although she kept this to herself.
(This is a soul at peace. She is an elevated soul, released from the physical challenges of her body. White signifies the highest spiritual consciousness. The ocean symbolizes a vast, higher consciousness. As an elevated soul she has already and will continue to touch many other souls…khf)*
She wants this communicated to her loved ones: I am a soul a peace.
* I feel compelled to add that this spirit energy is helping an in-spirit soul connection of hers to deal with aspects of sexual abuse that occurred to him on the physical plane…khf
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Received by khf on Thursday, March 29, 2018
A young male in his very early 20s with short, medium brown hair connected. This is an intuitive young man with a big heart. He showed up with a traumatic, open heart wound due to gun violence. He said surgery was unsuccessful in saving his life.
He indicated the irony of dying of a physical wound to the heart, as he was shot in the heart emotionally while on the earth plane and he became infected with anger.
This young man died angry, full of conflicts. He says he is now “digging for the truth” of his anger. While on the earth plane he had many disagreements with his father.
This spirit energy says that there is a collaboration between the earth plane and the spirit plane, that energies help and support each other in learning truths. Facing truth is difficult, he said, but if his father would “dig” with him for the truth surrounding their shared infection of anger, they both would share in the benefits. The effort to discover truth is a combined energy of growth.
Before his disengaged, the young man said the word: Hebrew.